Communiqués de presse - Justice et Paix Europa

Déclarations, prises de position de l’assemblé générale annuelle

  • Justice and Peace Europe: International Human Rights Day 2023
    Declaration of Justice and Peace Europe on Human Rights Day 2020
  • Myanmar: Peace is possible. Peace is the only way.
    Statement of the Executive Committee of Justice & Peace Europe on the situation in Myanmar
  • Human Rights – key to a just recovery from the pandemic
    Declaration of Justice and Peace Europe on Human Rights Day 2020
  • Peace and Justice for Belarus
    Statement of Justice and Peace Europe on the current situation in Belarus
  • Statement von Justitia et Pax Europa anlässlich des Tags der Menschenrechte 2020 zur Situation indigener Völker
    Statement of Justice and Peace Europe on the occasion of the Human Rights Day (10 December)
  • Multinational companies and Human Rights
    Statement of Justice an Peace Europe on the occasion of Human Rights Day (10 December)
  • Nuclear Disarmament: Seeking Human Security
    Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich, president of Justice and Peace Europe, and Bishop Oscar Cantú, chairman of the US bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace, issued today a declaration arguing for “the total elimination of nuclear weapons.” Entitled “Nuclear Disarmament: Seeking Human Security,” the declaration was issued to coincide with the conclusion of a meeting hosted this week by the United Nations “to negotiate a legally binding treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total elimination »
  • Death penalty: an offense against human dignity
    In a letter sent today to Cardinal Peter Turkson, the president of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, the president of Justice and Peace Europe and Archbishop of Luxemburg, Jean-Claude Hollerich, expressed his support for Pope Francis in his position concerning the death penalty.
  • Regaining trust and countering fear
    Statement of Justice and Peace Europe on the occasion of Human Rights Day (10 December)
  • Promouvoir la paix dans le monde, vocation de l’Europe
    Contribution des évêques de la COMECE en vue de la future stratégie globale de l’EU sur la politique étrangère et de sécurité.
  • Fairer taxation strengthens social justice
    In recent months and years, media leaks have revealed the shocking extent of systematic tax fraud and aggressive tax avoidance. Tax havens and loopholes in the legislation of many countries are at the origin of this scandal which has the potential to undermine democracy. In particular, multinational companies and very rich individuals have profited from this situation. In a period of growing income inequalities taxation must become fairer. That everybody and every company pays its fair share of taxes must be a key policy goal. In this respect, the OECD “Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project” (BEPS) and its transposition into national law are pivotal. In line with the BEPS project, the European Commission has taken the lead within the European Union (EU) and currently pursues an ambitious agenda. Although taxation matters require unanimity among member states some progress has been made and recent decisions in the Council of the EU have been encouraging.
  • EU Agenda on Migration: a first step in the right direction
    Since 19 April 2015, when 800 people died in a boat disaster in the Mediterranean off the Libyan coast, the European institutions have intensively addressed the issue of migration and the treatment of refugees in Europe and on its borders. The Executive Committee of the European Conference of Justice and Peace Commission (Justice and Peace Europe) joins the public debate at this stage to welcome all efforts for a more compassionate treatment of those who have been forced to abandon their country because of war and civil unrest, natural disaster or unbearable economic and social conditions. It also draws attention to Europe’s responsibility to work for justice and peace in the world and – accordingly – to design long-term policies for conflict prevention and transformation and for sustainable development. Justice and Peace Europe strongly invites those member states of the European Union who are opposed to a fairer allocation for welcoming refugees and asylum seekers to reconsider their position.
  • Miser sur la jeunesse pour combattre le racisme et l’extrémisme
    Action concertée 2012 de Justice et Paix Europe La Conférence européenne des commissions Justice et Paix a lancé son action concertée 2012 sous le titre „Invest in Young People to Combat Racism and Political Extremism“. Elle se dirige contre le racisme et l’extrémisme politique en Europe et demande un engagement… Lire la suite : Miser sur la jeunesse pour combattre le racisme et l’extrémisme
  • « Relations interreligieuses et interculturelles – chances et défis pour notre solidarité »
    Rencontre des commissions européennes justice et paix en Albanie À l’invitation de Mgr Rrok Mirdita, Archevêque de Tirana, et de Mgr Angelo Masafra, Archevêque de Shkodra, des représentants des 30 commissions nationales membres de la Conférence des commissions européennes justice et paix (Justice and Peace Europe) se réuniront en Albanie… Lire la suite : « Relations interreligieuses et interculturelles – chances et défis pour notre solidarité »
  • La solidarité en temps de crise
    Justice et Paix Europe à propos de l’Année européenne de lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale 2010 a été déclarée „Année européenne de lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale“. A cette occasion Justice et Paix Europe adresse un appel aux Etats européens. Nous devons reconnaître que la seule… Lire la suite : La solidarité en temps de crise
  • “Which Are the Frontiers for Solidarity in Europe?”
    The Conference of European Justice and Peace Commissions (Justice and Peace Europe) of the Catholic Church has held its General Assembly and International Workshop on the theme: “Where are the frontiers for solidarity in Europe?” in Seville, Spain. The theme of solidarity takes on particular significance in the context of… Lire la suite : “Which Are the Frontiers for Solidarity in Europe?”
  • Justice et Paix Europe appelle à la ratification, à l´application et au suivi de la Convention du Conseil de l´Europe contre la traite des êtres humains
    Justice et Paix Europe appelle à la ratification, à l’application et au suivi de la Convention du Conseil de l’Europe contre la traite des êtres humains. Il est urgent que les gouvernements agissent de concert pour mettre un terme au problème croissant de la Traite des êtres humains. Ce phénomène mondial recouvre des formes très diverses de violations des droits individuels parmi lesquels : l’exploitation sexuelle, le travail forcé ou des formes d’esclavage telles que l’exploitation par la mendicité, l’asservissement domestique et le vol d’organes à des fins commerciales.
  • Travailler ensemble pour que cesse la traite des êtres humains
    Déclaration de la Conférence des commissions européennes Justice et Paix